Future of dairy industry gains insight in New Zealand

Laura GrubisaGreat Southern Herald

The WA dairy industry has a very bright future and it’s all thanks to a group of young dairy farmers.

The WAFarmers sponsored Dairy Industry Fund helped a group of 11 embark on a 10-day trip, returning this week, to New Zealand as part of Dairy Australia’s Young Dairy Network.

The group is also being supported by DeLaval, PGG Wrightson Seeds, Elders and Harvey Fresh.

The group was expected to visit farms, training centres and dairy facilities to extend their knowledge and learn from some of New Zealand’s best.

WAFarmers chief executive Stephen Brown said the success of the tour reflected increasing interest in dairy farming as a career by young people.


“WAFarmers has a vested interest in developing the potential of young people within agriculture and helping them to become the farmers of tomorrow, and we’re proud to be supporting this ... tour,” he said.

“It can be difficult to attract and retain young people in agriculture, particularly in dairy, so to see this group put their hand up to go and learn more about how things are done elsewhere ... is really encouraging. With ... young people actively looking to expand their knowledge and pass on that information to the rest of the industry, the future is certainly looking bright.”

Participants on the tour work on dairy farms, and one participant is studying veterinary sciences at Murdoch University with a keen interest in the dairy industry.

Mr Brown said the students would be invited to speak about their tour experience at key industry events in 2017.

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