Golf day fundraiser a swinging success

Laura GrubisaThe West Australian

The Katanning Rotary Club and local police came together in November for a fundraiser golf day to raise funds for the Katanning Hospital palliative-care unit and Katanning Community Childcare Centre.

The total raised was $3298, with the amount being evenly split between the two organisations.

KCCC’s Julie Hawkins said their share of the funds would be used to replace baby equipment and purchase new classroom supplies for their three-year-old kindy program.

The centre is expanding its program to three days a week and because of this parents can claim a Centrelink rebate, which will see them reimbursed at least 50 per cent of their fees.

Katanning Hospital director of nursing health service manager Robyn Millar said the money received would go towards doing up one of the single rooms and turning it into a dedicated palliative care room.

Both organisations are extremely grateful to the Rotary Club and Katanning police for organising the golf day, and to the businesses that chipped in for the auction, which raised majority of the funds.

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